According to science, the majority of individuals, specifically 92 percent, fail to accomplish their goals, likely due to inadequate knowledge of effectively establishing goals. Consequently, you have the ability to teach your child the essential aspect of goal-setting, as it is vital for cultivating resilience and simply attaining desired outcomes in life. 1. Teach Your Kids The … [Read more...]
The Joys of Homeschooling by Choice: A Lighthearted Perspective
For those of us who choose to homeschool our children, it's a decision that often comes with a lot of raised eyebrows and questions like, "Why on earth would you want to do that?" Well, let me tell you, homeschooling by choice has its ups and downs just like anything else. But let's focus on the ups for now. For starters, there's the joy of being able to tailor your child's education to … [Read more...]
8 Ways Parents Can Be Successful Working from Home and Homeschooling
As much as I loved homeschooling my kids, I also wanted to put my education and experience to use contributing to the family finances. I found out, like so many other homeschool parents, it's not as easy as you might think. Though there are chunks of time when our kids are occupied, it's not always easy to predict when those times will come. And - as every parent knows - the surest way to get your … [Read more...]
Tips for Organizing the Unorganized Homeschool Mom
You know that homeschool one mom – the one who is always calm, whose kids are always clean and polite? The mother who always arrives early, looking perfect, with snacks and drinks? There seems to be one in every co-op. A mom who makes it all look easy, like she isn't trying. She is always ready for company, her lesson plans are always pristine, and there are never any dried french fries or … [Read more...]
Important Table Manners for Tweens & Teens You Need to Teach Now
You probably taught your kids manners when they were little, but table manners become a much bigger topic when kids become teens! You may feel like it's too early to start talking about eating out on a job interview, or with college professors, but those things will come up fast, and you probably wont be able to do a crash course by then. This subject is not just for little kids. … [Read more...]
20 Important Manners Kids Need to Know
How can we teach children in a way that is both meaningful and memorable? Addressing the heart behind the manner is key While manners are typically thought of in terms of social etiquette, they reach far beyond that. There is no doubt that you have seen how children learn behaviors and develop habits at a young age. They mimic what they see around them. It's important to … [Read more...]
10 Life-Changing Benefits of Good Manners
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou Some people might say that good manners are not in style anymore. Though it may not seem like it, good manners are essential to success in many areas of life. This is because the benefits of good manners start in childhood and … [Read more...]
How to Add Learning Fun to Your Summer Travel
What uplifting song does your child enjoy listening to during summer? Are they like Alice Cooper, singing and yelling defiantly that summer break from school has arrived? Or are they more similar to Nat King Cole and his listeners, who look forward to sleeping and playing games throughout the summer? No matter what type of person your child is, there are ways that the whole family can use summer … [Read more...]
Most Important Life Skills for Teens
Most Important Life Skills for Teens Teens should focus on developing skills that will last them a lifetime, not just on getting good grades in high school and into a top college. High school should be a time when teens learn how to become independent, productive members of society who know how to both survive and thrive without help. While the high school itself helps teens develop some … [Read more...]
Best Apps for Students With Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a difference in the way people process information that can make it harder to spell and read. It doesn't mean that people with dyslexia are less smart than others, they just learn in a different way. Most school instruction relies heavily on reading and writing, so early on learners with dyslexia are at risk of doing worse in school than their potential suggests. This is … [Read more...]